Swag Captured!! — I won SquareX’s #CapturetheSwag

4 min readJan 12, 2024



In this article, I’ll be sharing my experience of winning SquareX’s #CaptureTheSwag challenge. It all started when I stumbled upon their announcement on X (formerly Twitter) and decided to get along with it. Little did I know that this would lead to (surprisingly easy) challenge but also a bundle of SquareX’s swag delivered right to my doorstep!

Challenge Announcement

It was an ordinary day for me checking for infosec-related news and articles in social media, capturing my attention with promises of excitement and rewards. Intrigued, I followed the provided link that redirected me to a Google form, housing all the instructions and guidelines necessary to participate in the challenge. This form also served as the gateway to eligibility for the coveted prizes, requiring some information and responses to the challenges.

Solving the Challenge

The challenge itself was ingeniously designed and seamlessly integrated with SquareX’s browser extension. As per the instructions, I promptly downloaded the extension, eager to dive into the tasks at hand.

You can only access this using their disposable browser.

The task is to use SquareX extension and find the missing word in the sentence thru capturetheswag.txt that can be accessed via Disposable File Viewer.

Sentence 1: While others keep you anxious, SquareX keeps you _____ online.

Sentence 2: Unlike existing products that _____ access to files and websites, SquareX allows you to open even suspicious or malicious resources fearlessly!

Answers can be easily seen on their website’s landing page — sqrx.com

Answers: fearless and block

Pretty easy right?

“SquareX: An integrated solution to secure user workflows”

SquareX offers 3 solution purposely built to tackle the current generation of threats.

One extension to rule them all!

Disposable Browser — this ensures users that any browser based exploits and several classes of web threats never reach you and cannot harm your computer, with the following features:

Disposable Browser
  • high speed anonymous browsing from any location worldwide.
  • safely open suspicious websites without losing privacy
  • dispose the browser at any time: no session data retained.
  • safer and more private than Incognito mode.

Disposable File Viewer — this ensures that even if the file had any malicious malware embedded, it would not be able to harm your computer. Features:

  • Safely view documents from unknown senders or websites.
  • Fully private and disposable: no session data retained.
  • automatic integration with downloaded documents.

Disposable Identity — this will empower you to keep your email communication anonymous and private. Features:

  • Keep your real mailbox clean and secure
  • eliminate spam, unwanted ads and malicious cyber threats
  • temporary, secure and anonymous email addresses, and
  • protecting your identity from data breaches.

As someone who values security and seamless workflow, SquareX has proven to be a game-changer in the realm of online security.

Submission, Anticipation, and Triumph

Once I completed the challenges, I submitted my entry with bated breath, eagerly anticipating SquareX’s response.


To my absolute delight, a few days later, an email notification popped up in my inbox, bearing the news that I was one of the fortunate winners of SquareX’s #CaptureTheSwag challenge!

Swag Unveiled

Fast forward to January 10, 2024, when a package from SquareX arrived at my doorstep. Tada!

I was actually hoping I’d get the Issue 2 of the magazine since I already acquired the Issue 1 from attending ROOTCON17. Hoping to get it on the next challenge. The shirt and stickers are dope!

I extend my heartfelt thanks to SquareX for the challenge and providing users like me with an opportunity to engage, learn, and be rewarded. Cheers too SquareX — for the tool, the challenge, and the swags that now holds a special place in my collection!

Thanks for dropping by!

